Monday, June 22, 2009

Braised Chicken in Coconut Milk

I swear that I took more than just these pictures of this dish. I promise I really thought I did. However, this seems to be it. Did I delete them? Maybe. Did one of my 4 kids? Possibly. Regardless, just in case I don't get around to making it, or taking a picture of this the next time I make it I am posting the recipe. I admit I am not the most avid blogger (slight understatement) so this is the best I can do for now.

This recipe is spicy. It has a definite kick, but not to overwhelming. It is not sweet, but very flavorful. You are cooking it with these fantastic spices with beautiful warm colors, and a wonderful smell. The spicy is just the right amount where you notice it, admire it, but don't have to wash it down. You can still taste the food and you definitely want the next bite.

The first time I made this I did not add in the spinach, but just served it over rice. It just looked kind of boring. The second time right when it was done cooking I pulled it off the heat and threw in some spinach leaves and was really happy about it. They wilted down just perfect and added a great color to the dish. Now I only cook it this way.

Braised chicken in coconut milk

2 boneless skinless chicken breasts cut into tenders
2 C fresh spinach leaves
2 t ground coriander
1 t ground cumin
1/2 t cayenne pepper
1/4 t turmeric
2 T white wine vinegar (or any white wine you prefer cooking with)
1 t vegetable oil
1 C sliced onion
1 T minced ginger
2 T minced garlic
1 can coconut milk (a light version is fine)
salt and pepper to taste

1. In a small bowl mix coriander, cumin, cayenne, turmeric, and vinegar until smooth
2. Rub mixture over chicken
3. Heat oil in 12 inch pan over high heat, add chicken to brown and then remove.
4. Add the onion, garlic, and ginger to the pan stirring for 2-3 minutes.
5. Add the coconut milk, and stir until it boils
6. Add the chicken, salt and pepper and simmer until it is done (10-12 minutes)
7. Remove from heat add in the spinach and stir for 2-3 more minutes.

Serve over rice, or thin egg noodles.


Margaret said...

Greg would LOVE this!!! And I mean LOVE.

So I will have to try it one of these days. :)

Lulu the Baker said...

I have some coconut milk that needs using, and this recipe seems perfect! I'll have to throw it onto next week's menu now so that I don't forget!

Anonymous said...

Good to see some great recipes. I haven't been on here in a while. I'll have to compile some more for you to try, I've come across a few good ones lately!

KiaKahaMama said...

Hi Tannya, this looks so yummy! Thanks for the post! I think i'll be making it for dinner tomorrow! Hope you're all well...what would we do w/o blogs or internet these days? very best and hugs, xo Natasha

Margaret said...

Girl. You haven't posted since June. I miss them.