Friday, August 8, 2008

Breakfast Crepes

I love crepes. Whether sweet or savory they are fun to create, gorgeous to look at, and incredibly delicious to eat. This crepe is rather simple to make, and you get to fill it with whatever you are in the mood for. This has often been a staple for Sunday Brunch. My entire family loves these. Its a basic crepe recipe that I have been making for a long time. I make a sweet cream cheese filling, then we pick fruits that are either in season or that we are in the mood for. I top it with freshly whipped cream, raspberry sauce, and confectioners sugar.

1 Cup Milk
1 Cup Flour
4 Eggs
1 TBLS Butter (melted)

I mix all the ingredients together in a blender. I use a non-stick crepe pan, and a wooden crepe spatula. Heat the pan, then pour the batter in slower. Pour just enough to coat the bottom of the pan (they should be thin). I pour the batter into the center of the pan, lift the pan and tilt then swivel it to swirl the batter to coat the pan evenly. Let it heat through, when you notice the edges start to lift from the pan flip the crepe just to heat the other side. Place it on a platter and then layer with parchment or wax paper between crepes. This will make about a dozen crepes.

Cream Cheese Filling:
1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese, softened
1/2 Cup Sour Cream
1/4 Cup Sugar
1/4 Cup packed Brown Sugar
2 TBSP Maple Syrup

Mix all the ingredients together until smooth

I am totally unconventional with my Raspberry sauce. I doubt I ever make it the same twice. If I have fresh raspberries I use them, if not I use frozen. I simply heat and mash. I do pour through a fine mesh sieve because I don't really love all the seeds these yummy berries have in them. Add some cornstarch, maybe some light Karo syrup, sometimes just sugar. I just keep adding until It tasted really good and until I like the consistency.

To assemble and eat. I place a large dollop of filling in the center of the crepe and spread. I place fruit over the filling (my favorites together are peaches, and raspberries). Fold one side over the other. Put whipped fresh cream over the top. Spoon raspberry sauce over the top, and sprinkle with confectioners sugar. MMMMM enjoy!

1 comment:

Margaret said...

This looks crazy AMAZING! Could you be my mom some Sundays?! YUM! ☺